Legal Opinions
Upon receiving your instructions, we are able to provide legal opinions on any area of law including those relating to the law of insurance. Furthermore, we are prepared to advise on the possible effects and interpretation of proposed legislation and regulations.
Contract Preparation and Review
With our considerable expertise in the preparation, review and revision of varied contracts, we are able to prepare, review and revise any and all transactional documentation on your instructions.
Due Diligence
We can assist our client(s) with the legal aspects of any due diligence exercise they may wish to undertake.
Dispute Resolution
We are able to counsel on the merits or demerits of any proposed lawsuit that you may wish to institute and also conduct such lawsuits on your behalf. In the event that your company is sued, we are also able to counsel on the relative strength or otherwise of a proposed defence or counter- claim (as the case may be) and are prepared to defend you in any lawsuit.
Finance Negotiations, Documentation Review and Advice
In the event that your company needs to source for external financing, we are willing to represent you at negotiation meetings, with a view to preparing, reviewing and revising financing instruments as well as any ancillary documentation.
Our lawyers, well versed in taxation issues, are able to provide legal advice on the provisions of the Companies Income Tax Act, Personal Income Tax Act, Value Added Tax Act and any other tax-related issues.
Business Advisory
We offer comprehensive legal services to corporate entities and multi- lateral institutions. Regarding corporate entities, we ensure compliance with the provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), the Pensions Reform Act and any other legislation relevant to your activities. We proffer legal opinion on various corporate issues and update our clients on current changes or development in laws that affect their operations or proposed or on- going transactions.
Company Secretarial Services
The firm offers various company secretarial services tailored to meet the specific requirements of our corporate clients, as well as deal with federal and state regulatory agencies in obtaining required permits, waivers etc.